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Pastor and Mrs. Remon

Pastor Remon & Mrs. Gibson

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Dr. Jesse Gibson

True leader and pastor of Throne of Grace Ministries. A true man of God who provides spiritual and moral Guidance to the followers of the Faith.

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Pastor Kire Guigui Ignace
Cote d' Ivoire: Acting 


Throne of Grace International Ministries is pleased to present this scope of work to University. Please find enclosed, our proposed goals, scope and proposed

deliverable for your review. We are thrilled to be working with you on such an exciting project, and thank you for the opportunity to add value to our business!

About TOG Int. Ministries

Our mission is to Preach, Teach and Evangelize the Lost by “Sharing His Mercy and Grace to All the Nations”. This means that as Christians called to disseminate the Gospel, “We Will Reveal Christ without Perceptions, sharing mercy & Grace without Distinctions, Fellowship Without Prejudices And Serve God Without Reservations”. Serving Christ with no Compromise.


Our vision is to Carry Out the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ As Leaders And Transformers In Their Communities And World, a church dedicated to sharing his mercy and grace to all nations with the principles of God’s word and His love.


We seek to provide an ecosystem of support to everyone through offering spiritual and physical nourishment to everyone's souls by providing a platform where Christians embrace the imperative to embrace the teachings of Christ, by living by the principles of Christianity while drawing lost ones to witness the glory of God together.


The following anchor verses in the scriptures helps define our call to serve the world in the name of our lord Jesus Christ

  • First, Jesus famously launched His ministry in Luke 4:18-19. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind , to set at Liberty, those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

  • Mathew:28: 19-20 states, “Go therefore and make Disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”


We therefore are ministers to this broken world, in the tradition of Christ with the task of leading people to become the disciples of Christ.


Throne of Grace International is pleased to engage Theology students at University to support its growth and expansion efforts and to amplify its work across the Greater Boston community.

Problem Statement

The Boston areas are home to many churches and denominations.  Yet many people do not have access to a place of worship. Many have never had a chance to listen to the gospel of God. Fraught with adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, many souls have been left empty, many have lost their livelihoods, loved ones and all their life savings. 

We see the vast challenges of last year as an opportunity to grow in out trust in God’s goodness and provision, and protection. While we do not know what God has in the future for us, we do know, that through our experiences over the past year, that He is radically generous and limitless in His love.


Given this context, we see many opportunities to spread the good news as witnesses of His glory, with those who do not know Him yet. We believe we could add value in the realm of Boston’s development through applying various interventions such as facilitating donations, civic education alongside spreading the word.

Project Objective

The purpose of this project is to support Throne of Grace International Ministries  in further developing and executing on its mission to evangelize to the children of God. We trust that in the same alignment as your student’s personal ministry calling, we can collectively and effectively build a loving community of Christ’s followers devoted to rebuilding shattered lives and empowering people to live their God-given purposes. 

The Assignment Has Five (5) Main Objectives

A. To carry out evangelism work through conducting outreach.

B. To advance knowledge of Christ within the Boston Communities through evangelistic work, allowing people to experience God.

C. To assess the effectiveness and usefulness of Throne of Grace’s current evangelism framework and implement a strategy for communicating enrolling believers into the Church

D. To provide humanitarian services (1). Legal services, (2). Counseling in marriage   Trauma and crises counseling.

E. Funds rising (Through grant writing, capital campaign for projects)

Project Scope

Throughout the course of the assignment the Clark University team will report directly to Dr. Jesse G. Gibson.  The consulting team is expected to work closely with the assigned Dr. Jesse G. Gibson and relevant members of the Throne of Grace International Ministries

Primary Responsibilities Of  The Students Will Involve:

1. Working with cross-functional team members to bring on board new members across assigned territories.


2. Initialize conversations with communities groups on how they can assist us democratize access to spiritual nourishment to their community For example, can they ask schools/ group homes’ boards to partner with Throne of Grace on implementing the spiritual nourishment aspect for their members


3. Research and present to Throne of Grace International Ministries the market needs, including the various evangelism tools, techniques and resources required by the church to succeed. The contents of the two documents will be presented to Throne of Grace International Ministries’ leadership in a session where feedback will be gathered.


1. A written end-project memo including any needed revisions to the on-boarding strategy, The report will make recommendations about how the church can optimally grow and expand its membership, outreach and ministerial work across the Greater Boston area

Project Methodology

The student interns will use the following resources to collect information for the project:

● Conference call with selected members of Throne of Grace Ministries

● Literature research of ministry work in the Greater Boston area, industry players.

● Research on any trends relating to the evangelism industry in the under-represented communities

● A shared working checklist of all documents requested and required from Throne of Grace International Ministries for the Months’ work


NOTE: We have an opening mind for input fore student intern.


Rev. Dr. Gibson will be the primary point of contact for the remainder of the project. The student consulting team will address all emails to him unless specified otherwise. The team may also provide him with a weekly update pending agreement.


Client Contact Information:

For more information, contact:


Rev. Dr. Jesse G. Gibson

Throne of Grace International Ministries


Mobile: +1(508) 405 5008

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